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judgemental什么意思? judgemental翻译(中文文):审判的




judgemental什么意思? judgemental翻译(中文文):审判的

- He is very judgemental and always quick to criticize others. (他很善于作出判断,总是很快就会批评别人。)

- Don't be so judgemental, everyone makes mistakes. (不要那么爱评头论足,每个人都会犯错。)


1. She is often judgemental about people's appearances without getting to know them first. (她经常对人们的外表进行评头论足,却没有先了解他们。)

2. I try not to be too judgemental when meeting new people, as everyone has their own story. (当遇到新人时,我尽量不要太带有偏见,因为每个人都有自己的故事。)

3. It's important not to be judgemental when discussing sensitive ics, as it can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts. (在讨论敏感话题时,不要带有偏见是很重要的,因为它可能会导致误解和。)

4. Being judgemental can prevent us from truly understanding others and their perspectives. (带有评判性的态度会阻止我们真正理解他人及其观点。)

5. The teacher's judgemental attitude towards her students caused them to feel discouraged and lose confidence in themselves. (老师对学生带有评判性的态度让他们感到沮丧,失去了自信。)


- She is always critical of others without considering their feelings. (她总是批评别人,不顾及他们的感受。)

- My grandfather is very opinionated and refuses to listen to anyone else's point of view. (我爷爷很固执己见,拒绝听取别人的观点。)

- It's important not to be prejudiced against people based on their race or ethnicity. (不应该因为一个人的种族或民族而对他们抱有偏见是很重要的。)



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