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isolated是什么意思? isolated翻译(中文文):隔离的,孤立

isolated (adj.): separated from others; alone

isolated是什么意思? isolated翻译(中文文):隔离的,孤立




1. The small village was isolated from the rest of the world by high mountains. 这个小村庄被高山隔离于世界其他地方。

2. She felt isolated and lonely in the big city, far away from her family and friends. 她在大城市里感到孤立和孤单,远离了家人和朋友。

3. The scientist isolated the virus in a laboratory for further study. 科学家在实验室中将病毒隔离出来以供进一步研究。

4. The new student was isolated by his classmates because of his different appearance and behavior. 新来的学生因为外表和行为与同学不同而被孤立。

5. The island is completely isolated, with no access to electricity or internet connection. 这个岛屿完全与世隔绝,没有电力和网络连接。


1. separate (adj./v.):分开的;使分开

e.g. The two brothers were separated at birth and grew up in different families. 这两兄弟在出生时被分开,分别在不同的家庭长大。

2. secluded (adj.):隐蔽的,与世隔绝的

e.g. The house is located in a secluded area, surrounded by trees and mountains. 这栋房子坐落在一个隐蔽的地方,被树木和山脉环绕。

3. alienated (adj.):疏远的,孤立的

e.g. The teenager felt alienated from his family and turned to his friends for support. 这个青少年感到与家人疏远,转而向朋友寻求支持。

4. cut off (v.):切断,隔绝

e.g. The heavy snowstorm cut off the village from the outside world for days. 大雪暴使这个村庄与外界隔绝了数天。

5. estranged (adj.):疏远的,陌生的

e.g. The two sisters have been estranged for years and rarely communicate with each other now. 这两姐妹多年来疏远,现在很少交流。


isolated一词既可以作为形容词描述某人或某物与周围环境隔离或孤立的状态,也可以作为动词表示使某人或某物与周围环境隔离或孤立。其同义词包括separate、secluded、alienated、cut off和estranged等,但每个词都有其特定的用法和含义。在写作时,可以根据具体语境选择合适的同义词来表达所想要表达的意思。总之,isolated一词通常用来描述某人或某物与周围环境隔离或孤立的状态,可用于形容人、地方、事物等。


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