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involved什么意思? involved翻译(中文文):棘手的,有关的



involved [ɪnˈvɒlvd]

involved什么意思? involved翻译(中文文):棘手的,有关的


1. 作为形容词使用时,involved通常放在名词前面,表示“复杂的,难懂的”或者“涉及的,有关联的”。:

- The situation is quite involved and it will take some time to explain.(这种情况非常复杂,需要一些时间来解释。)

- The project is very involved and requires a lot of teamwork.(这个项目非常复杂,需要大量团队合作。)

2. 作为动词使用时,involve通常接动词-ing形式或者介词in,并且表示“牵涉到”,“包含”,“参与”。:

- The investigation involves interviewing all the witnesses.(这项调查牵涉到对所有证人进行访问。)

- She was deeply involved in the planning process.(她深度参与了规划过程。)


1. The murder case was very involved and it took the detectives several months to solve it.(这宗谋杀案非常复杂,花了探们几个月的时间才破案。)

2. The new tax law is quite involved and many people are struggling to understand it.(新的税法非常复杂,很多人都在努力理解它。)

3. The company's financial problems are involved with its recent merger with another company.(公司的财务问题与最近与另一家公司的合并有关。)

4. The students were deeply involved in the school's charity event, raising over $10,000 for a local orphanage.(学生们深度参与了学校的慈善活动,为当地一所孤儿院筹集了超过1万美元。)

5. The politician has been involved in several corruption scandals, damaging his reputation and career.(这位家卷入了几起丑闻,损害了他的声誉和事业。)


1. complicated:形容事情或问题难以理解或解决时可以使用,比involved更加强调复杂程度。

例句:The instructions for assembling the furniture were so complicated that I had to ask for help.


2. intricate:形容事情或问题错综复杂、难以理解时可以使用,比involved更加强调复杂的结构或细节。

例句:The plot of the novel is so intricate that I had to read it twice to fully understand it.


3. complex:形容事情或问题有多种因素、层次、关系时可以使用,比involved更加强调事情的复杂性。

例句:The project was very complex, involving multiple teams and departments.





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