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investment casting是什么意思? investment casting翻译(

一:investment casting是什么意思? investment casting翻译(的意思

Investment casting是一种金属铸造工艺,也被称为“失蜡铸造”或“精密铸造”。它是一种通过将液态金属注入预先制作好的模具中,然后冷却凝固,最终得到所需形状和尺寸的零件的方法。这种铸造方法可以生产出非常复杂的零件,并且具有高精度和表面质量。

investment casting是什么意思? investment casting翻译(


/inˈvestmənt ˈkæstiŋ/


Investment casting通常用于生产需要高精度和表面质量的零件,航空航天、汽车、船舶、医疗设备等行业。它还可以用于生产精密机械零件、艺术品和珠宝等产品。


1. The investment casting process allows for the production of complex and intricate parts. (投资铸造工艺能够生产复杂而精细的零件。)

2. Investment casting is commonly used in the aerospace industry to produce high-quality and precise components. (投资铸造在航空航天行业常用于生产高质量和精密组件。)

3. The investment casting method is also suitable for producing delicate and detailed artworks. (投资铸造方法也适用于生产精致和细节丰富的艺术品。)

4. Many high-end jewelry pieces are made using investment casting to achieve intricate designs and perfect finishes. (许多高端珠宝产品采用投资铸造工艺,以实现复杂的设计和完美的表面处理。)

5. The investment casting process involves multiple steps, including wax pattern making, shell building, pouring, and finishing. (投资铸造过程包括多个步骤,包括制作蜡模、建立壳体、浇注和加工等。)


1. Lost-wax casting: another term for investment casting, as the process involves creating a wax pattern that is later lost in the casting process.

2. Precision casting: another term for investment casting, highlighting the high precision and accuracy of this method.

3. Wax casting: a simplified term for investment casting, emphasizing the use of wax patterns in the process.

4. Investment molding: another name for investment casting, as it involves creating a mold or shell to pour the metal into.

5. Investment foundry: a foundry that specializes in investment casting.


Investment casting是一种高精度和高质量的金属铸造工艺,通过将液态金属注入预先制作好的模具中,可以生产出复杂、精细的零件。它在航空航天、汽车、医疗设备等行业有广泛的应用,也可以用于生产艺术品和珠宝等产品。投资铸造还有许多同义词,失蜡铸造、精密铸造等,都强调了这种方法的高精度和精细性。总的来说,投资铸造是一种高效、精密的金属加工方法,为各行业提供了高质量的零件和产品。


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