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1. plutocrat是指掌握财富和权力的人,通常是指富有的阶层或者财阀。这个词源于希腊语中的"ploutos"(财富)和"kratos"(),意为"财富者"。

2. plutocrat的读音为['pluːtəʊkræt],其中重音在第二个音节上。

3. 用例:

- The country is ruled by a small group of plutocrats who control the economy and government.

- The rise of the tech industry has created a new generation of young plutocrats.

- The wealthy businessman was accused of being a corrupt plutocrat who used his money and influence to manipulate the political system.

- Many people believe that the current economic system is designed to benefit only the plutocrats at the , while the majority of people struggle to make ends meet.

- The media often portrays plutocrats as greedy and selfish individuals who only care about their own interests.

4. 组词:

- Plutocracy (n.) 财阀,富豪

- Plutocratic (adj.) 财阀的,财阀的

- Plutocratically (adv.) 财阀地,财阀地

- Plutocratization (n.) 财阀化,富豪化

- Plutocratize (v.) 使成为财阀,使成为富豪

5. 中英文对照:


英文:plutocrat, wealthy businessman, financial oligarch




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