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initialize什么意思? initialize翻译(中文文):初始化 hellip




例句1:We need to initialize the database before we can start using it. (我们需要先初始化数据库才能开始使用。)

initialize什么意思? initialize翻译(中文文):初始化 hellip

例句2:The technician will initialize the new computer for you. (技术员会为你初始化新电脑。)

例句3:They had to initialize the system several times before it finally worked. (他们不得不多次初始化才最终让它运行起来。)

例句4:You need to initialize your password before you can log into the system. (你需要在登录前初始化密码。)

例句5:The team spent hours trying to initialize the software, but it kept crashing. (团队花了几个小时尝试初始化软件,但它总是崩溃。)

同义词及用法:initialize的同义词包括set up、start up、boot up等,它们都表示启动或准备或设备。:

- The computer takes a long time to boot up.


- We need to set up the new printer before we can use it.


编辑总结:initialize是指为或设备做好准备,使其能够正常工作。它通常用于计算机科学领域,也可以用于一般场合。其同义词包括set up、start up、boot up等。


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