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India是什么意思? India翻译(中文文):印度, 南亚次大陆


India是什么意思? India翻译(中文文):印度, 南亚次大陆



1. India is a diverse and culturally rich country. (印度是一个多元化和文化丰富的。)

2. The Indian subcontinent is home to a variety of religions and languages. (印度次大陆拥有多种和语言。)

3. Many people travel to India to experience its vibrant culture and cuisine. (许多人前往印度体验其充满活力的文化和美食。)

4. India gained independence from British colonial rule in 1947. (印度于1947年从英国殖民中获得独立。)

5. The Taj Mahal in Agra, India is one of the most famous landmarks in the world. (位于印度阿格拉的泰姬陵是世界上最著名的地标之一。)


1. Bharat: This is another name for India, derived from the ancient Sanskrit name for the country.

2. Hindustan: This is a Persian term used to refer to the land beyond the Indus River, which eventually became synonymous with India.

3. South Asia: This term is used to describe the region of Asia that includes India, as well as other countries such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka.

4. Indian: This is the adjective form of India, used to describe things or people related to the country.

5. Subcontinent: This term is used to describe a large, relatively self-contained landmass that is part of a larger continent. The Indian subcontinent refers to the southern region of Asia that includes India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.




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