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inconvenient是什么意思? inconvenient翻译(中文文):不


inconvenient是什么意思? inconvenient翻译(中文文):不

怎么读(音标): [ˌɪnkənˈviːniənt]


例句1:It is very inconvenient to have to walk all the way to the store just to buy a carton of milk. (不得不走很远去商店买一盒牛奶真是很不方便。)

例句2:I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be inconvenient. (对不起,我没有想要给你添麻烦。)

例句3:The lack of public transportation in this area is very inconvenient for those who don't have a car. (这个地区缺乏公共交通对那些没有车的人来说非常不方便。)

例句4:The early morning flight was quite inconvenient for me, but I had no choice. (早上的航班对我来说很不方便,但是我别无选择。)

例句5:Having to wait in line for hours was an inconvenience, but it was worth it for the concert tickets. (排队等候几个小时很不方便,但是为了演唱会门票还是值得的。)

同义词及用法:不方便的(inconvenient)可以被替换为以下同义词:troublesome, awkward, inconvenient, difficult。:

- It's troublesome to have to take two buses just to get to work. (为了上班不得不坐两趟公交真是麻烦。)

- The awkward layout of the house made it difficult for us to move furniture in. (房子布局很别扭,我们搬家具都很困难。)

- It's inconvenient to have to wait for the next train when you miss your scheduled one. (错过预定的火车后,不得不等待下一班火车真是很不方便。)

- The hike up the mountain was quite difficult and inconvenient due to the rough terrain. (由于崎岖的地形,爬山很艰难也很不方便。)



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