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inception什么意思? inception翻译(中文文):起初, 获得


怎么读(音标): [ɪnˈsepʃən]


inception什么意思? inception翻译(中文文):起初, 获得

1. 作为名词,inception指开始或发端的过程,也可以指某个计划、想法或行动的开始阶段。

例句:The inception of this project was met with great enthusiasm. (这个项目的启动受到了极大的热情欢迎。)

2. 作为动词,inception指开始或发端,常用于被动语态。

例句:The project was incepted by a group of young entrepreneurs. (这个项目由一群年轻企业家发起。)


1. The inception of the company can be traced back to 2005. (这家公司的起源可以追溯到2005年。)

2. The inception of the idea came to him while he was on vacation. (这个想法在他度假时突然涌现出来。)

3. The film explores the inception of a cult and its impact on society. (这部电影探讨了一个组织的兴起及其对社会的影响。)

4. The project is still in its early stages of inception and has a long way to go before completion. (该项目仍处于初期阶段,距离完成还有很长的路要走。)

5. The inception of the new policy was met with mixed reactions from the public. (新的出台引发了公众不同的反应。)


1. origin:指事物开始存在或发生的地方或时刻。

例句:The origin of this tradition can be traced back to ancient times. (这一传统可以追溯到古代。)

2. commencement:指某事物开始进行或发生的时刻。

例句:The commencement of construction was delayed due to bad weather. (建设的开工时间因天气恶劣而延迟。)

3. initiation:指某事物开始或启动的过程。

例句:The initiation of the project was met with skepticism from some members of the team. (项目的启动遭到了团队中一些成员的怀疑。)




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