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in spite of是什么意思,in spite of的解释

一:in spite of是什么意思,in spite of的解释 的意思是尽管,虽然,表示不受某种情况或因素的影响,仍然坚持做某事。

二:怎么读(音标):[ɪn spaɪt ɒv]

三:用法:in spite of通常用于句子的开头或中间,后面接名词、代词、动名词或从句。它可以表示对比、强调或让步的关系。

in spite of是什么意思,in spite of的解释


1. In spite of the heavy rain, we still went for a walk in the park.(尽管下着大雨,我们仍然去公园散步。)

2. In spite of his busy schedule, he always finds time to spend with his family.(尽管他的日程很忙,他总能找到时间陪伴家人。)

3. She managed to finish the project in spite of all the difficulties she encountered.(她尽管遇到了很多困难,还是成功完成了这个项目。)

4. In spite of being tired, he refused to give up and kept working until late at night.(尽管很累,他拒绝放弃并一直工作到深夜。)

5. They decided to go on a trip in spite of the bad weather forecast.(尽管天气预报不好,他们还是决定去旅行。)

五:同义词及用法:尽管in spite of和despite都可以表示“尽管”,但它们在用法上有些差别。in spite of通常用于句子开头,而despite通常用于句子中间或结尾。除此之外,in spite of还可以和of连用,而despite则不可以。:

- In spite of the heavy rain, we still went for a walk in the park.

- Despite the heavy rain, we still went for a walk in the park.

- We still went for a walk in the park in spite of the heavy rain.(正确)

- We still went for a walk in the park despite the heavy rain.(正确)

另外,in spite of和despite都可以和名词、代词、动名词或从句连用。

六:编辑总结:in spite of是一个常用的表达方式,它能够表示不受某种情况或因素的影响,仍然坚持做某事。在使用过程中,需要注意它的搭配方式以及与其近义词despite的区别。同时,在撰写文章时也要注意语言流畅性和准确性,避免出现重复或错误的表达方式。


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