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1. 作为名词使用:

a. 表示“印象”、“感觉”:

- My first impression of him was that he was very kind.(我对他的第一印象是他很友善。)

- The movie left a deep impression on me.(这部电影给我留下了深刻的印象。)

b. 表示“观点”、“见解”:

- What's your impression on this matter?(你对这件事有什么看法?)

- I have a good impression of the new boss.(我对新老板有很好的印象。)

c. 表示“印记”、“痕迹”:

- The footprints left an impression in the sand.(脚印在沙子上留下了痕迹。)

- The artist's signature is clearly visible, making a lasting impression on the painting.(艺术家的签名很清晰,给这幅画留下了持久的印记。)

2. 作为动词使用:

a. 表示“给予印象”、“留下印象”:

- The speaker's words really impressed the audience.(演讲者的话给听众留下了深刻的印象。)

- The beautiful scenery impressed itself on my mind.(美丽的风景给我留下了深刻的印象。)

b. 表示“压痕”、“压制”:

- The heavy object impressed a mark on the soft ground.(重物在软地上压出了一个痕迹。)

- The teacher's strict rules impressed discipline on the students.(老师严格的规定让学生养成了纪律性。)


1. My first impression of her was that she was very shy, but as I got to know her, I realized she was actually very outgoing and friendly.


2. The artist's paintings always leave a lasting impression on me with their vibrant colors and unique style.


3. The job interview went well and I made a good impression on the interviewer.


4. The heavy rain last night left a deep impression on the city, causing flooding and damage to buildings.


5. The teacher's strict discipline impressed upon the students the importance of punctuality and hard work.



1. impact:作为名词时,意为“影响”、“冲击力”;作为动词时,意为“产生影响”、“冲击”。

- The news had a great impact on her.(这个消息对她产生了巨大的影响。)

- The car accident impacted his life greatly.(车祸对他的生活产生了巨大影响。)

2. effect:作为名词时,意为“效果”、“影响”;作为动词时,意为“产生效果”、“起作用”。

- The medicine had a positive effect on her condition.(这种药对她的病情有积极的效果。)

- His words had no effect on her decision.(他的话对她的决定没有任何影响。)

3. perception:作为名词时,意为“感知”、“认识”、“观念”。

- Our perception of beauty varies from person to person.(我们对美的认知因人而异。)

4. notion:作为名词时,意为“概念”、“想法”、“观点”。

- I have no notion of what you're talking about.(我对你说的话一无所知。)

5. view:作为名词时,意为“看法”、“观点”;作为动词时,意为“看待”、“考虑”。

- What's your view on this issue?(你对这个问题有什么看法?)

- We should view this problem from different perspectives.(我们应该从不同角度来看待这个问题。)




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