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implicit是什么意思? implicit翻译(中文文):暗示的, 盲

implicit是什么意思? implicit翻译(中文文):暗示的, 盲的意思,是指不直接表达出来,而是通过暗示或间接表达来传递信息或意思。这种含蓄的表达方式常常需要读者或听众有一定的推理能力才能理解其真正的含义。

implicit是什么意思? implicit翻译(中文文):暗示的, 盲


用法:implicit通常作为形容词使用,表示“含蓄的”、“暗示的”。它可以修饰名词或者动词,也可以用来构成短语,如implicit meaning(含义)、implicit understanding(默契)、implicit agreement(默契协议)等。


1. His implicit criticism of the government was evident in his speech. (他在演讲中对的暗示性批评显而易见。)

2. The teacher's implicit instructions were not clear to the students. (老师含蓄的指导对学生来说并不清晰。)

3. The implicit message behind her words was that she didn't trust him. (她话语背后所隐含的信息是她不信任他。)

4. The implicit understanding between the two friends allowed them to communicate without words. (两位朋友之间默契的理解使得他们可以无需言语交流。)

5. The implicit agreement between the two companies was to share resources and collaborate on projects. (两家公司之间的默契协议是共享资源,合作项目。)


1. His implied criticism of the government was evident in his speech.

2. The teacher's indirect instructions were not clear to the students.

3. The suggested message behind her words was that she didn't trust him.



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