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impart什么意思? impart翻译(中文文):给予, 传授, 告知


impart什么意思? impart翻译(中文文):给予, 传授, 告知



1. The teacher imparted her knowledge to the students with great enthusiasm.(老师热情地向学生们传授她的知识。)

2. He always tries to impart his wisdom to his children.(他总是试图把自己的智慧传授给孩子们。)

3. The book imparts valuable lessons on leadership and management.(这本书传授了有关领导和管理的宝贵经验。)

4. The guru imparted spiritual guidance to his followers.(这位大师向他的追随者们传授了灵性指导。)

5. The mother imparted her love and care to her newborn baby.(母亲把她的爱和关怀传递给了新生儿。)

同义词及用法:convey, communicate, transmit, disclose

convey: 表示通过言语、行为或其他方式将信息、想法或感情传达给他人。

例句:He conveyed his gratitude through a heartfelt letter.(他通过一封发自内心的信表达了感激之情。)

communicate: 表示通过交流、沟通或分享来表达想法、感情或信息。

例句:Effective communication is essential for a healthy relationship.(有效的沟通对于健康的关系至关重要。)

transmit: 表示通过信号、电波或其他媒介将信息传输给他人。

例句:The radio station transmits the news to listeners all over the country.(这个电台向全国的听众传播新闻。)

disclose: 表示公开或透露某事物。

例句:He disclosed his true identity to his long-lost friend.(他向他失散已久的朋友透露了自己的真实身份。)



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