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ignore是什么意思? ignore翻译(中文文):不理睬, 忽视,


ignore是什么意思? ignore翻译(中文文):不理睬, 忽视,



1. Please don't ignore my calls. 请不要忽视我的。

2. He chose to ignore the warning signs and ended up in a dangerous situation. 他选择忽视告信号,最终陷入了危险境地。

3. The teacher advised the students to ignore any distractions during the exam. 老师建议学生们在考试期间忽略任何干扰。

4. It's important to not ignore your health and take care of yourself. 不要忽视自己的健康,要好好照顾自己。

5. The company cannot afford to ignore the needs of its customers. 公司不能忽略顾客的需求。


1. neglect:表示忽略、疏忽,强调因为粗心或冷漠而没有做某事。:She neglected her duties as a mother and focused solely on her career.

2. disregard:表示漠视、无视,强调故意不理会或不重视。:He disregarded his doctor's advice and continued smoking.

3. overlook:表示忽略、放过,强调因为疏忽或没有注意到而没有或做某事。:I must have overlooked your email, I'm sorry I didn't respond earlier.

4. tune out:表示忽略、不理会,通常用于指对某事不感兴趣或厌烦而选择不去关注。:I always tune out when my boss starts talking about his personal life.

5. brush off:表示轻视、对待不重要,强调对某事的态度漫不经心。:She just brushed off my concerns and continued with her plan.




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