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a. 点、位置:指空间中的一个具体位置或抽象的概念。:The point where the two lines meet is called the intersection point.(两条线相交的地方称为交点。)

b. 要点、重点:指某事物中最重要的部分或内容。:I understand your argument, but I think you missed the main point.(我理解你的论点,但我认为你漏掉了主要观点。)

c. 意义、意思:指某事物所包含的含义或意义。:What's the point of studying if you're not going to use your knowledge?(如果你不打算运用知识,学习有什么意义呢?)

d. 分数、得分:指在体育比赛中获得的分数。:The team scored 5 points in the first quarter of the game.(这支球队在比赛第一节得了5分。)

e. 观点、立场:指某人对某问题或事物持有的看法或态度。:What's your point on this controversial issue?(你对这个有争议的问题持什么立场?)



a. 指向、指出:指用手指或其他方式指示某物或某方向。:She pointed to the map to show me the route.(她指着地图给我看路线。)

b. 指责、批评:指对某人或某事物提出批评或责备。:The teacher pointed out my mistakes in the essay.(老师指出了我文章中的错误。)

c. 瞄准、瞄准器:指用手或等瞄准目标物。:The hunter pointed his gun at the deer.(猎人用瞄准了鹿。)

d. 指定、任命:指委派某人担任某职务或做某事。:The boss pointed me as the project manager.(老板任命我担任项目经理。)

e. 加上小数点、标记小数位数:指在数字后面加上小数点来表示小数位数。:You need to point your answer to two decimal places.(你需要把答案保留两位小数。)


1. The doctor pointed to the X-ray and explained the fracture.(医生指着X光片解释了骨折的情况。)

2. The speaker emphasized the key points of his presentation by using visual aids.(演讲者通过使用视觉辅助工具强调了他演讲的重点。)

3. What's the point of arguing about something that happened in the past?(为过去发生的事情争吵有什么意义呢?)

4. The team scored a total of 50 points in the basketball game.(这支球队在篮球比赛中总共得了50分。)

5. From an environmental point of view, using renewable energy is crucial for our planet's future.(从环境角度来看,使用可再生能源对我们星球的未来至关重要。)


- breaking point (临界点、破裂点)

- boiling point (沸点)

- melting point (熔点)

- focal point (焦点、中心)

- starting point (起始点、起点)


point 点、位置

key point 要点、重点

meaning 意义、意思

score 分数、得分

view 观点、立场

to point 指向、指出

to criticize 指责、批评

aim 瞄准、瞄准器

to appoint 指定、任命

decimal point 小数点



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