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prompt是一个名词,意思是提示,提醒。它可以指示某人做某事或者给出某种信息。:The teacher gave us a prompt to start writing our essays.(老师给了我们一个提示来开始写作我们的文章。)

prompt还可以作为形容词,意思是迅速的,敏捷的。它可以形容某人行动迅速,反应敏捷。:The prompt response of the firefighters saved many lives.(消防队员迅速的反应挽救了许多生命。)

prompt也可以作为动词,意思是激起,引发。它可以指引发某种行动或者情绪。:The loud noise prompted the dog to bark.(巨大的噪音激起了狗狗的叫声。)



1. The prompt on the computer screen reminded me to save my work.


2. The director gave the actors a prompt when they forgot their lines.


3. The teacher's prompt response to the students' questions impressed them.


4. The sudden rain prompted us to cancel our outdoor plans.


5. The prompt delivery of the package was greatly appreciated by the customer.



1. promptly (adv.) 迅速地,敏捷地

2. promptness (n.) 敏捷,迅速

3. unprompted (adj.) 未经提示的,自发的

4. prompter (n.) 提示者,提示器

5. prompting (n.) 激励,激发


名词:prompt – 提示,提醒

形容词:prompt – 迅速的,敏捷的

动词:prompt – 激起,引发



1. The prompt on the computer screen reminded me to save my work.


2. The director gave the actors a prompt when they forgot their lines.


3. The teacher's prompt response to the students' questions impressed them.


4. The sudden rain prompted us to cancel our outdoor plans.


5. The prompt delivery of the package was greatly appreciated by the customer.



1. reminder (n.) 提醒,提醒物

2. agile (adj.) 敏捷的,灵活的

3. provoke (v.) 激起,引发

4. cue (n.) 暗示,提示

5. motivate (v.) 激励,激发



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