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hunting season是什么意思,hunting season的翻译,hunting

一:hunting season是什么意思,hunting season的翻译,hunting 的意思

Hunting season是指狩猎季节,指的是特定的时间段内允许进行狩猎活动的季节。Hunting是指“打猎”的意思,通常指人类为了获得食物或者娱乐而追捕和杀死野生动物的活动。

hunting season是什么意思,hunting season的翻译,hunting


[hʌntɪŋ ˈsiːzn]


Hunting season通常用作名词,在句子中作主语或者宾语。可以说“The hunting season is coming.”(狩猎季节即将来临。)“I love going hunting during the hunting season.”(我喜欢在狩猎季节去打猎。)


1. The hunting season for deer starts in November.(鹿的狩猎季节从十一月开始。)

2. During the hunting season, hunters must follow strict regulations.(在狩猎季节,打猎者必须遵守严格的规定。)

3. The government has shortened the hunting season this year to protect endangered species.(今年缩短了狩猎季节,以保护濒危物种。)

4. He went out hunting every weekend during the hunting season.(在狩猎季节期间,他每个周末都出去打猎。)

5. The hunting season is a popular time for outdoor enthusiasts.(狩猎季节是户外爱好者的热门时节。)


1. Open season:指允许进行某项活动的时间段,可以用来替换hunting season。:“The open season for fishing starts in June.”(钓鱼的开放季节从六月开始。)

2. Hunting period:也可以用来指代hunting season,表示一段特定的时间内可以进行打猎活动。

3. Game season:指特定的时间段内允许捕杀野生动物的季节,可以用来替换hunting season。

4. Shooting season:与hunting season意思相同,指允许进行射击活动的季节。


Hunting season是指狩猎活动允许进行的特定时间段,在这段时间内人们可以参与打猎活动。它通常用作名词,在句子中作主语或者宾语。除了hunting season之外,还有一些同义词如open season、hunting period、game season和shooting season都可以用来表示相同的意思。


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