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1. phenomenal是一个形容词,意为“惊人的”、“非凡的”。它来自于希腊语的“phainomenon”,意为“现象”。在英语中,它通常用来描述某件事物或现象超乎寻常、令人惊叹的特性。

2. phenomenal的读音为/fəˈnɒmɪnəl/,音标为[fə'nɒmɪn(ə)l]。其中,“o”发音为元音/ɒ/,与汉语拼音中的“哦”相似。而“a”发音为元音/æ/,与汉语拼音中的“啊”相似。

3. 例句:

- His performance in the game was absolutely phenomenal.


- The growth of the company has been phenomenal in the past year.


- The impact of the new technology on our lives is truly phenomenal.


- The amount of money he donated to charity is simply phenomenal.


- Her talent for singing is nothing short of phenomenal.


4. 组词:

- phenomenally (adv.) 非凡地,惊人地

- phenomenality (n.) 非凡性,惊人特性

- phenomenalism (n.) 现象主义,现象学说

- phenomenon (n.) 现象,奇迹

- phenomenological (adj.) 现象学的,现象论的

5. 中英文对照:

- His rise to fame was nothing short of phenomenal.


- The beauty of the landscape is truly phenomenal.


- This new product has received phenomenal reviews from customers.


- The success of the project was largely due to his phenomenal leadership skills.


- In the world of fashion, she is considered a phenomenal designer.


6. 总结:



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