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humidity什么意思? humidity翻译(中文文):湿气, 潮湿,

一:humidity什么意思? humidity翻译(中文文):湿气, 潮湿, 指空气中水蒸气的含量,也可以用来描述环境的潮湿程度。


三:用法:humidity通常作为一个名词使用,可以单独使用,也可以和其他词搭配使用,如high humidity(高湿度)、low humidity(低湿度)等。

humidity什么意思? humidity翻译(中文文):湿气, 潮湿,


1. The humidity in the room was so high that the walls were covered in condensation. (房间里的湿度很高,墙壁上都结满了水珠。)

2. The humidity made my hair frizzy and my clothes clingy. (潮湿的空气让我的头发变得卷曲,衣服也粘在了身上。)

3. The ideal humidity for storing wine is between 55% and 75%. (存放葡萄酒的理想湿度应该在55%到75%之间。)

4. The humidity level in this region is usually quite low, which can cause dry skin and respiratory problems. (这个地区的湿度水平通常很低,会导致皮肤干燥和呼吸问题。)

5. The air conditioner helps to regulate the humidity in the room, keeping it at a comfortable level. (空调帮助调节房间的湿度,保持舒适的水平。)

五:同义词及用法:moisture(湿气、水分)、dampness(潮湿)、wetness(湿润)、humidity level(湿度水平)



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