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hug是什么意思? hug翻译(中文文):拥抱 hellip 词典

一:hug是什么意思? hug翻译(中文文):拥抱 hellip 词典的意思是指两人或多人用双臂紧紧抱在一起,表达亲密感情或安慰的动作。

二:怎么读(音标): [hʌɡ]

三:用法: hug通常作为动词使用,表示进行拥抱的动作。也可以作为名词,表示拥抱的行为或姿势。


1. She gave her daughter a warm hug when she saw her after a long time. 她很久没见女儿了,见面时给了她一个温暖的拥抱。

hug是什么意思? hug翻译(中文文):拥抱 hellip 词典

2. The little girl hugged the teddy bear tightly, as if it was her best friend. 小女孩紧紧地抱着泰迪熊,就像它是她最好的朋友一样。

3. We all need a hug sometimes, it makes us feel loved and supported. 我们有时都需要一个拥抱,它让我们感受到被爱和支持。

4. The couple hugged each other tightly, tears streaming down their faces as they said goodbye at the airport. 夫妻俩紧紧地拥抱在一起,在机场告别时泪水流下来。

5. He hesitated for a moment before finally mustering up the courage to give her a hug. 他犹豫了一会儿,最终鼓起勇气给她一个拥抱。

五:同义词及用法: embrace, cuddle, squeeze, clasp, hold

1. They embraced each other warmly when they met after a long time apart. 当他们久别重逢时,他们热情地拥抱在一起。

2. The little boy cuddled with his favorite stuffed animal as he fell asleep. 小男孩在睡前和他最喜欢的毛绒玩具抱在一起。

3. She squeezed her sister tightly in a hug, happy to see her after so long. 她紧紧地抱着妹妹,很高兴久违的见面。

4. The two friends clasped each other's hands in a tight hug, relieved that they had finally made up after their argument. 两个朋友紧紧地握着对方的手,感激彼此在吵架后终于和解。

5. He held his girlfriend close in a loving hug, whispering sweet words into her ear. 他用爱的拥抱将女朋友紧紧地抱住,轻声对她说甜言蜜语。

六:编辑总结: 拥抱是表达亲密感情或安慰的行为,通常作为动词使用。它可以带来温暖和安慰,也可以表达感激和爱意。除了hug之外,还有一些同义词可以表示拥抱的含义,如embrace、cuddle、squeeze等。无论是在什么场合,拥抱都是一种美好的表达方式,它能够拉近人与人之间的距离。


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