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however什么意思? however翻译(中文文):无论如何, 可是


however什么意思? however翻译(中文文):无论如何, 可是



1. However hard I try, I just can't seem to get this math problem right. (无论我多努力,我就是解不出这道数学题。)

2. However, I still believe that we can find a solution to this problem. (但是,我仍然相信我们能找到解决这个问题的方法。)

3. However you look at it, the fact remains that we are facing a difficult situation. (无论你怎么看,事实仍然是我们面临着一个困难的局面。)

4. She was determined to finish the race, however long it took her. (无论花多长时间,她都决心要完成比赛。)

5. He is a talented musician; however, his lack of dedication often holds him back from achieving his full potential. (他是一个有天赋的音乐家;可是,缺乏投入常常阻碍他发挥出全部潜力。)


1. Nevertheless: 作为副词时意为“然而”、“不过”,作为连词时意为“虽然如此”。:Nevertheless, she managed to pass the exam with flying colors. (然而,她还是成功地通过了考试。)

2. Nonetheless: 作为副词时意为“尽管如此”,作为连词时意为“然而”。:The weather was terrible; nonetheless, we decided to go ahead with our plans. (天气很糟糕,但我们还是决定按计划进行。)

3. Still: 作为副词时意为“仍然”,作为连词时意为“然而”。:He is a great actor, but he still has a lot to learn. (他是一个伟大的演员,但他仍有很多需要学习的地方。)

4. Yet: 作为副词时意为“仍然”,作为连词时意为“但是”。:I know you're busy, yet I need your help with this project. (我知道你很忙,但我需要你帮忙完成这个项目。)




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