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hot topic是什么意思,hot topic的解释


怎么读(音标):[hɒt ˈtɒpɪk]



1. The presidential debate was the hot ic of the week. (辩论是本周的热门话题。)

hot topic是什么意思,hot topic的解释

2. The hot ic on social media is the new movie release. (社交媒体上的热门话题是新电影的发布。)

3. Climate change has been a hot ic for years. (气候变化多年来一直是一个热门话题。)

4. The hot ic at the conference was artificial intelligence. (上的热门话题是人工智能。)

5. The hot ic among teenagers is the latest fashion trend. (青少年之间的热门话题是最新的时尚潮流。)

同义词及用法:popular subject,current issue,trending ic

编辑总结:hot ic通常指具有广泛讨论和关注度的话题,可以涉及各种领域,如、社会、文化等。它常被用来描述当前热点或引发大众兴趣的事物。在日常生活中,我们经常可以听到类似“hot ic of the day/week/month/year”的说法。


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