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1. preliminary是指在正式或最终阶段之前的准备性工作或步骤,通常用于描述一项计划、项目或的初步阶段。

2. preliminary的读音为/prɪˈlɪmənəri/,读作“pri-lim-uh-nuh-ree”。

3. 用例:

例句1:The team is still in the preliminary stage of their research and has not yet reached any conclusions.

例句2:The preliminary results of the experiment showed promising potential for further development.

例句3:Before the final match, there will be a series of preliminary rounds to determine the contenders.

例句4:The preliminary report suggests that there may be a need for further investigation into the matter.

例句5:The company held a meeting to discuss the preliminary budget for next year's projects.

4. 组词:

- preliminarily (adv.) 预备性地,初步地

- preliminariness (n.) 初步性,预备性

- prelimary (adj.) 初步的,预备的

- preliminaries (n.) 准备工作,前奏

5. preliminary的中英文对照:





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