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hopefully是什么意思? hopefully翻译(中文文):有希望地,

怎么读(音标): [ˈhəʊpfəli]

hopefully是什么意思? hopefully翻译(中文文):有希望地,


例句1:Hopefully, the weather will be nice for our picnic tomorrow. (希望明天的天气会很好,我们可以野餐。)

例句2:She looked at the exam paper hopefully, hoping to see some easy questions. (她满怀期待地看着考卷,希望能看到一些简单的问题。)

例句3:Hopefully, we will be able to finish this project on time. (希望我们能够按时完成这个项目。)

例句4:He smiled hopefully, hoping that she would say yes to his proposal. (他满怀希望地微笑着,期待她能接受他的求婚。)

例句5:The doctor spoke to the patient hopefully, assuring her that the treatment would be successful. (医生满怀期待地和病人说话,向她保证治疗会成功。)


1. Optimistically (乐观地) - 也表示对未来有信心或者希望。

例句:He always looks at things optimistically and never lets setbacks bring him down. (他总是乐观地看待事物,从挫折打击他。)

2. Expectantly (期待地) - 强调对某件事情的期待和盼望。

例句:The children looked at the Christmas tree expectantly, waiting for their presents. (孩子们期待地看着圣诞树,等待着他们的礼物。)

3. Anticipatingly (预期地) - 表示对某件事情的预期和期待,强调更加积极的态度。

例句:She waited for the results of her job interview anticipatingly, hoping that she would get the job. (她满怀期待地等待着工作面试的结果,希望能够得到这份工作。)

4. Confidently (自信地) - 表示对自己能够成功或者达成目标有信心。

例句:He walked into the exam room confidently, knowing that he had prepared well for the test. (他自信地走进考场,知道自己为这次考试做了充分准备。)




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