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hole什么意思? hole翻译(中文文):洞, 孔, 突破口, hellip

一:hole什么意思? hole翻译(中文文):洞, 孔, 突破口, hellip




hole什么意思? hole翻译(中文文):洞, 孔, 突破口, hellip


1. 作为名词:


例句:There is a hole in my sock.(我的袜子上有个洞。)


例句:There are still a few holes in our plan that need to be filled.(我们的计划还有些地方需要完善。)


例句:He has dug himself into a hole with his lies.(他因谎言而自掘坟墓。)

2. 作为动词:


例句:He holed the wall with a hammer.(他用锤子在墙上打了个孔。)


例句:He holed the winning putt on the final hole.(他在最后一洞推入了获胜的推杆。)


1. The mouse escaped through a small hole in the wall.(老鼠从墙上的一个小洞逃走了。)

2. We need to fix this hole in the roof before it starts raining again.(我们需要在下次下雨之前修补屋顶上的这个洞。)

3. I can't seem to find my keys, there must be a hole in my pocket.(我找不到我的钥匙,可能是口袋里有个洞。)

4. The team was able to score a goal in the last minute, clinching their victory and leaving their opponents with a feeling of defeat and a sinking feeling of being in a deep hole.(球队在最后一分钟得分,赢得了胜利,让对手感到挫败和沉重的心情。)

5. After months of hard work, she finally succeeded in digging herself out of the financial hole she had been in.(经过几个月的努力,她终于成功地摆脱了财务困境。)


1. Pit:作为名词时,表示“坑、陷阱、煤矿”。作为动词时,表示“使陷入困境”。

例句:The car fell into a pit on the side of the road.(车子掉进了路边的一个坑里。)

2. Cavity:作为名词时,表示“洞、腔、空穴”。常用于医学领域,指身体内部的空洞。

例句:The dentist filled the cavity in my tooth.(牙医给我的牙填补了蛀牙。)

3. Aperture:作为名词时,表示“孔、缝隙、光圈”。常用于摄影术语,指相机镜头的光圈大小。

例句:You can adjust the aperture to control how much light enters the camera.(你可以调整光圈来相机进入的光线量。)

4. Opening:作为名词时,表示“开口、、开始”。常用于指事物的开放或开始。

例句:The opening of the new shopping mall attracted a large crowd of people.(新购物中心的开业吸引了大批人群。)




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