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1,preoccupy是指某事物或某人占据了某人的思想或注意力,使其无法专注于其他事物。:His mind was preoccupied with thoughts of his upcoming exams.(他的思想被即将到来的考试所占据。)


3,preoccupy通常用作及物动词,意为“使…全神贯注”,“使…牵挂”。:The news of the accident preoccupied her for the rest of the day.(事故的消息让她整天都心神不宁。)

4,preoccupy也可以用作名词,意为“主要关注的事物”或“心理困扰”。:Her preoccupation with her appearance often leads to low self-esteem.(她对外表的过分关注常常导致自卑感。)


① His constant worry about his finances preoccupied him so much that he couldn't enjoy his vacation.(他对财务问题的持续担忧让他无法享受假期。)

② The teacher's strict rules preoccupied the students' minds, making it difficult for them to focus on their studies.(老师严格的规定让学生们心烦意乱,很难专心学习。)

③ She was so preoccupied with her work that she forgot about her friend's birthday party.(她工作太忙,以至于忘记了朋友的生日派对。)

④ His preoccupation with his own problems made him unaware of the struggles of those around him.(他对自身问题的过分关注让他没有意识到周围人的挣扎。)

⑤ The preoccupations of modern society, such as social media and consumerism, often distract people from more important things in life.(现代社会的关注点,如社交媒体和消费主义,常常让人们分心于生活中更重要的事情。)


1. preoccupied (形容词):被占据思想或注意力的,全神贯注于某事物的。

2. preoccupation (名词):专注,牵挂,心理困扰。

3. preoccupying (动词-ing形式):占据…思想或注意力。

4. unpreoccupied (形容词):未被占据思想或注意力的,无牵挂的。

5. self-preoccupation (名词):自我专注,自我牵挂。


1,preoccupy是指某事物或某人占据了某人的思想或注意力,使其无法专注于其他事物。:His mind was preoccupied with thoughts of his upcoming exams.(他的思想被即将到来的考试所占据。)


3,preoccupy通常用作及物动词,意为“使…全神贯注”,“使…牵挂”。:The news of the accident preoccupied her for the rest of the day.(事故的消息让她整天都心神不宁。)

4,preoccupy也可以用作名词,意为“主要关注的事物”或“心理困扰”。:Her preoccupation with her appearance often leads to low self-esteem.(她对外表的过分关注常常导致自卑感。)


① His constant worry about his finances preoccupied him so much that he couldn't enjoy his vacation.(他对财务问题的持续担忧让他无法享受假期。)

② The teacher's strict rules preoccupied the students' minds, making it difficult for them to focus on their studies.(老师严格的规定让学生们心烦意乱,很难专心学习。)

③ She was so preoccupied with her work that she forgot about her friend's birthday party.(她工作太忙,以至于忘记了朋友的生日派对。)

④ His preoccupation with his own problems made him unaware of the struggles of those around him.(他对自身问题的过分关注让他没有意识到周围人的挣扎。)

⑤ The preoccupations of modern society, such as social media and consumerism, often distract people from more important things in life.(现代社会的关注点,如社交媒体和消费主义,常常让人们分心于生活中更重要的事情。)


1,preoccupy是指某事物或某人占据了某人的思想或注意力,使其无法专注于其他事物。:His mind was preoccupied with thoughts of his upcoming exams.(他的思想被即将到来的考试所占据。)


3,preoccupy通常用作及物动词,意为“使…全神贯注”,“使…牵挂”。:The news of the accident preoccupied her for the rest of the day.(事故的消息让她整天都心神不宁。)

4,preoccupy也可以用作名词,意为“主要关注的事物”或“心理困扰”。:Her preoccupation with her appearance often leads to low self-esteem.(她对外表的过分关注常常导致自卑感。)


① His constant worry about his finances preoccupied him so much that he couldn't enjoy his vacation.(他对财务问题的持续担忧让他无法享受假期。)

② The teacher's strict rules preoccupied the students' minds, making it difficult for them to focus on their studies.(老师严格的规定让学生们心烦意乱,很难专心学习。)

③ She was so preoccupied with her work that she forgot about her friend's birthday party.(她工作太忙,以至于忘记了朋友的生日派对。)

④ His preoccupation with his own problems made him unaware of the struggles of those around him.(他对自身问题的过分关注让他没有意识到周围人的挣扎。)

⑤ The preoccupations of modern society, such as social media and consumerism, often distract people from more important things in life.(现代社会的关注点,如社交媒体和消费主义,常常让人们分心于生活中更重要的事情。)







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