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hell什么意思? hell翻译(中文文):地狱, 苦境, 阴间 hellip

一:hell什么意思? hell翻译(中文文):地狱, 苦境, 阴间 hellip




hell什么意思? hell翻译(中文文):地狱, 苦境, 阴间 hellip


1. 作为名词:

a. 指代和教中的地狱。

例句:According to the Bible, those who do not believe in God will go to hell after they die. (根据圣经,那些不信仰上帝的人死后会下地狱。)

b. 形容极端的苦难、痛苦或困境。

例句:I’ve been through hell and back trying to finish this project on time. (我为了按时完成这个项目已经历尽了艰辛。)

c. 发誓或咒骂。

例句:Oh hell! I forgot my phone at home. (该死!我把手机忘在家里了。)

2. 作为动词:

a. 发誓或咒骂。

例句:I could hear my neighbor hell at her kids for making too much noise. (我能听到我的邻居因为孩子们太吵而发誓咒骂。)

b. 烦恼、担心。

例句:I’ve been helling about this exam all week. (我整个星期都在为这场考试烦恼。)


1. According to the Bible, those who do not believe in God will go to hell after they die.


2. She went through hell and back trying to take care of her sick mother.


3. The boss was helling at his employees for not meeting the deadline.


4. I don’t give a damn about what he thinks, to hell with him!


5. The refugees are living in hellish conditions in the overcrowded camps.



1. Inferno:指代地狱,也可以形容极端的苦难。

例句:The inferno of war destroyed everything in its path. (战争的地狱毁灭了一切。)

2. Hades:指希腊神话中的冥界,也可以用来指代地狱。

例句:In Greek mythology, Hades was the god of the underworld. (在希腊神话中,哈迪斯是冥界之神。)

3. Torment:指代折磨、痛苦,也可以用来形容地狱般的生活。

例句:The prisoners were subjected to constant torment by their captors. (囚犯们被他们的者不断折磨。)

4. Damnation:指代被定罪或被诅咒,也可以用来指代地狱。

例句:He believed that his actions would lead to eternal damnation in hell. (他相信自己的行为会导致永恒的地狱诅咒。)




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