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heaven是什么意思? heaven翻译(中文文):天, 天空, 天堂



heaven是什么意思? heaven翻译(中文文):天, 天空, 天堂

例句1:She believes that her grandmother is now in heaven, watching over her.(她相信她的祖母现在在天堂,守护着她。)

例句2:The sky was a beautiful shade of pink and orange as the sun set behind the mountains, it felt like heaven on earth.(夕阳西下,天空呈现出美丽的粉色和橙色,在山脉后面落山,感觉就像人间天堂。)

例句3:The little girl pointed to the stars and asked her mother if that was where heaven was.(小女孩指着星星问妈妈那里是不是天堂。)

例句4:After a long day of hiking, reaching the of the mountain felt like reaching heaven.(长时间徒步后,到达山顶感觉就像到达了天堂。)

例句5:The old man closed his eyes and took his last breath, his family believed he had gone to heaven to be with his wife who had passed away years ago.(老人闭上眼睛,最后一口气吐出,他的家人相信他已经去了天堂和他已故多年的妻子团聚。)


1. paradise (天堂):指极乐的境界,与heaven意思相近,但更多用于语境。

2. nirvana (涅槃):用语,指达到解脱和安宁的境界。

3. bliss (极乐):指极度幸福和快乐的状态。

4. elysium (伊甸园):希腊神话中的神圣居所,比喻美好的地方。

5. uia (乌托邦):指理想中完美无缺的社会。




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