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hear什么意思? hear翻译(中文文):听到, 听说, 听取 hellip

一:hear什么意思? hear翻译(中文文):听到, 听说, 听取 hellip




hear什么意思? hear翻译(中文文):听到, 听说, 听取 hellip


1. hear + 名词/代词:表示“听到某人/某物说话”或“听到某事情的消息”。

例句:I heard a loud noise coming from the next room. (我听到隔壁房间传来一阵巨响。)

2. hear + 从句:表示“听说…”,从句中的动词要用不定式形式。

例句:I heard that she is getting married next month. (我听说她下个月要结婚了。)

3. hear + 介词短语:表示“从…处得知”。

例句:I heard from my friend that you got a promotion. (我从朋友那里得知你升职了。)

4. hear + of/about + 名词/代词:表示“听说过”。

例句:Have you ever heard of this famous singer? (你有没有听说过这位著名的歌手?)

5. be heard: 表示被别人听见。

例句:Her voice can be heard throughout the room. (她的声音可以在整个房间里听见。)


1. I heard a strange noise coming from the attic last night. (昨晚我听到阁楼上传来一阵奇怪的声音。)

2. Have you heard about the new restaurant that just opened in town? (你听说过镇上刚开业的新餐厅吗?)

3. I heard from my brother that he got accepted into his dream university. (我从我弟弟那里得知他被他梦想中的大学录取了。)

4. Have you ever heard of the famous scientist, Albert Einstein? (你有没有听说过著名科学家阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦?)

5. Her voice was so loud that it could be heard over the sound of the traffic outside. (她的声音很大,连外面车流的声音都能盖过。)


1. listen: 指有意识地倾听某种声音或信息。

例句:Listen carefully to what I'm about to say.


2. perceive: 指通过感官接收到某种信息。

例句:I perceived a hint of sadness in her voice.


3. catch: 指“偶然听到”或“抓住某种信息”。

例句:Did you catch what she said? (你听到她说了什么吗?)




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