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例句1:I got a sneak preview of the new movie last night.(我昨晚提前看了新电影。)

例句2:The company released a preview of their latest product.(公司发布了最新产品的预告。)

例句3:The weather forecast gave us a preview of what to expect for the weekend.(天气预报给我们展示了周末会有什么样的天气。)

例句4:They showed us a preview of the new collection before it was released.(他们在发布之前给我们展示了新系列的预览。)

例句5:We were given a preview of the new software before it was available to the public.(在软件对公众可用之前,我们得到了它的预览。)



- previewer(预览者):指提前看到或感受到某种事物的迹象的人。

- previewing(预览中):指正在进行预览的动作。

- prepreview(预先预览):指提前看到或感受到某种事物的迹象的动作。

- previewable(可预览的):指可以被提前看到或感受到某种事物的迹象的。

- previewed(已预览):指已经被提前看到或感受到某种事物的迹象。



Preview - 预览

1,preview怎么读?Preview is what it means to explain

The word "preview" comes from English and is an adjective that means "a sign or indication of something to come". In the dictionary, it is defined as "to see or feel a sign or indication of something in advance". It can be used as a noun and a verb, meaning "a preview" and "to see or feel a sign or indication of something in advance", respectively.

2. How to read "Preview"? What does "Preview" mean?

The pronunciation of "Preview" is /ˈpriːvjuː/.

3. How to read "Preview"? What does "Preview" mean in usage?

Example sentence 1: I got a sneak preview of the new movie last night.

Example sentence 2: The company released a preview of their latest product.

Example sentence 3: The weather forecast gave us a preview of what to expect for the weekend.

Example sentence 4: They showed us a preview of the new collection before it was released.

Example sentence 5: We were given a preview of the new software before it was available to the public.

4. How to read "Preview"? What words can be combined with "Preview"?

"Preview" can be combined with other words to form different forms, such as:

- Previewer: someone who sees or feels a sign or indication of something in advance.

- Previewing: the act of seeing or feeling a sign or indication of something in advance.

- Prepreview: the act of seeing or feeling a sign or indication of something in advance beforehand.

- Previewable: able to be seen or felt as an indication of something in advance.

- Previewed: already seen or felt as an indication of something in advance.

5. How to read "Preview"? What is the Chinese and English translation?

预览 - Preview


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