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1. plot是指故事的情节或主要,通常用来描述小说、电影、戏剧等作品中的发展过程。:The plot of the novel is full of twists and turns.(这部小说的情节曲折多变。)

2. plot也可以指密谋或阴谋,表示秘密策划的行为。:The villains are always coming up with evil plots to take over the world.(恶棍们总是想出邪恶的阴谋来征服世界。)

3. 在地图或图表中,plot表示标记或绘制出具体的位置或数据点。:He plotted the coordinates on the map to show the exact location of the treasure.(他在地图上标记出坐标,以显示宝藏的确切位置。)

4. 在数学中,plot指绘制出函数曲线或图形来表示数据关系。:She plotted a graph to show the correlation between temperature and air pressure.(她绘制了一张图表来展示温度和气压之间的相关性。)

5. plot也可以指一块土地或一处场地,特别是用于种植农作物或建造建筑物等用途。:The farmer bought a plot of land to expand his farm.(农民买了一块土地来扩大他的农场。)


plot的读音为/plɒt/,音标为英 [plɒt],美 [plɑːt]。它的读音与英文单词“lot”相似,但重音在第一个音节上。


1. The novel has a complex plot with many unexpected twists and turns.


2. The group of villains spent months plotting their evil scheme to take over the city.


3. She plotted the locations of all the crime scenes on a map to see if there was any pattern.


4. The scientist plotted the data points on a graph to analyze the trend.


5. They bought a plot of land in the countryside to build their dream house.



1. plot twist 意为“情节转折”,通常用于描述小说、电影等作品中出人意料的情节发展。

2. plot device 意为“情节手段”,指用来推动故事发展的特定手法或策略。

3. plot summary 意为“情节摘要”,用于概括作品的主要情节和发展过程。

4. plot development 意为“情节发展”,指故事中的和行动如何逐步推进。

5. plot hole 意为“剧情漏洞”,指作品中存在的不合理或矛盾之处。


1. The movie has a complicated plot that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats.


2. The detective is trying to unravel the villain's evil plot to destroy the city.


3. She plotted the locations of all the crime scenes on a map to see if there was any pattern.


4. The scientist plotted the data points on a graph to analyze the trend.


5. They bought a plot of land in the countryside to build their dream house.


6. 这部电影有一个复杂的情节,让观众坐立不安。

The movie has a complex plot that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats.

7. 侦探正在努力揭开恶棍想要摧毁城市的阴谋。

The detective is trying to unravel the villain's evil plot to destroy the city.

8. 她在地图上标记出所有犯罪现场的位置,看是否有任何规律可循。

She plotted the locations of all the crime scenes on a map to see if there was any pattern.

9. 科学家在图表上绘制出数据点来分析趋势。

The scientist plotted the data points on a graph to analyze the trend.

10. 他们在乡村买了一块土地来建造自己的梦想之家。

They bought a plot of land in the countryside to build their dream house.



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