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guest翻译(中文文):客人, 来宾, 旅客 hellip

一:guest翻译(中文文):客人, 来宾, 旅客 hellip 的意思是指到访或被邀请的人,通常指在某个地方暂时停留的人。




1. My parents are coming to visit this weekend, so we need to prepare the guest room for them. (我的父母本周末要来拜访,所以我们需要为他们准备客房。)

guest翻译(中文文):客人, 来宾, 旅客 hellip

2. The hotel has a special lounge for guests to relax and enjoy some refreshments. (酒店有一个专门的休息室供客人放松和享用一些小吃。)

3. As a guest in our country, you should try our local cuisine. (作为我们的客人,你应该尝试一下我们的当地美食。)

4. The greeted the guests warmly and showed them to their seats. (主人热情地迎接客人,并带领他们就座。)

5. I'm sorry, but we don't allow guests to bring pets into the hotel. (很抱歉,我们不允许客人携带宠物入住酒店。)

五:同义词及用法:客人(guest)可以和访客(visitor)、旅行者(traveler)、顾客(customer)等词语互换使用。:Welcome to our restaurant, may I take your order? (欢迎光临我们的餐厅,我可以为您点菜吗?)



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