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graphics, also known as computer graphics, refers to the creation, manipulation, and storage of images and visual content using computers. This includes both 2D and 3D graphics, as well as animations and visual effects.





Graphics can be used in a variety of fields such as art, design, entertainment, education, and engineering. They are an essential part of modern technology and are used in video games, films, advertisements, websites, and more.


1. The graphic designer used advanced software to create stunning visuals for the company's new website. (这位平面设计师使用先进的软件为公司的新网站制作了令人惊叹的视觉效果。)

2. The movie's special effects were created using cutting-edge graphics technology. (电影的特效是使用尖端图形技术创建的。)

3. The textbook is filled with colorful graphics to help students better understand the concepts. (这本教科书里充满了色彩缤纷的图形,以帮助学生更好地理解概念。)

4. The video game's graphics are so realistic that it feels like you're actually in the game. (这款视频游戏的图形如此逼真,让人感觉像是真的身处其中。)

5. The company hired a team of graphic designers to create a new logo for their brand. (公司雇用了一组平面设计师为他们的品牌设计一个新Logo。)


- Visuals: refers to anything that can be seen, including images, graphics, and videos.

- Images: refers to a visual representation of something, often used interchangeably with graphics.

- Visual effects: refers to the use of computer-generated imagery (CGI) to enhance or create special effects in films, TV shows, and video games.


Graphics are an important aspect of modern technology and are used in various industries. They refer to the creation and manipulation of images and visual content using computers. With the advancement of technology, graphics have become more realistic and can be used in a wide range of applications such as art, design, entertainment, education, and engineering.


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