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graduate from什么意思? graduate from翻译(中文文):从

graduate from是一个动词短语,意为“从…毕业”,通常用来指完成学业并获得学位或资格证书。它可以用来描述从小学、中学、大学等各个教育阶段的毕业,也可以指从某个专业或毕业。


英 [ˈɡrædʒueɪt] 美 [ˈɡrædʒuət]

graduate from什么意思? graduate from翻译(中文文):从


graduate from可以接受名词、代词或动名词作宾语,也可以直接跟随某个具体的学校、专业或。:

- He graduated from high school last year. (他去年从高中毕业了。)

- She is graduating from Harvard University with a degree in law. (她将从哈佛大学法律系毕业。)

- They both graduated from the same college. (他们俩都是同一所大学的毕业生。)


1. I am proud to say that I have graduated from the prestigious Oxford University.


2. She will be graduating from medical school next month and starting her residency at a hospital.


3. After years of hard work, he finally graduated from the engineering school in the country.


4. They both graduated from the same high school and have been best friends ever since.


5. He is planning to graduate from law school and become a lawyer like his father.



1. Complete one's studies at: 完成在某个学校或的学习,也可以表示“毕业”。:She completed her studies at Cambridge University last year. (她去年在剑桥大学完成了学业。)

2. Obtain a degree/certificate from: 从某个学校或获得一个学位或资格证书。:He obtained his degree from Yale University. (他从耶鲁大学获得了学位。)

3. Finish/complete one's education at: 在某个阶段完成教育,也可以表示“毕业”。:She finished her education at a local community college. (她在当地一所社区大学完成了教育。)


graduate from指完成在某个教育阶段或专业的学习并获得相应的证书或资格。它可以用来描述从小学到大学的毕业,也可以指从某个专业或毕业。除了graduate from,还有一些同义词可以表示类似的意思,如complete one's studies at、obtain a degree/certificate from、finish/complete one's education at等。在使用时需要注意宾语的搭配和动词时态的变化。


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