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go-ahead什么意思? go-ahead翻译(中文文):前进着的, 前

怎么读(音标):[ˌɡoʊ əˈhɛd]


go-ahead什么意思? go-ahead翻译(中文文):前进着的, 前


1. He gave me the go-ahead to start the project. 他给我批准开始这个项目。

2. The company is waiting for the go-ahead from the government to proceed with the construction. 公司正在等待的批准来继续建设。

3. The team is ready to go ahead with the plan. 这个团队已经准备好执行这个计划了。

4. Don't make any decisions until you get the go-ahead from your manager. 在得到经理的许可之前,不要做出任何决定。

5. She was given the go-ahead to pursue her dream of becoming a professional dancer. 她获得了前往追求成为专业舞者的许可。


1. Permission (n.):允许、许可。:I need your permission before I can start working on this project.

2. Approval (n.):批准、认可。:The proposal has received approval from all stakeholders.

3. Green light (idiom):绿灯、许可。:The government has given the green light for the construction of the new highway.

4. Consent (n.):同意、许可。:I need your consent before I can publish your work.

5. Authorization (n.):授权、批准。:The company has given authorization for the use of their trademark.


go-ahead是一个常用的名词,表示“前进”、“进展”、“许可”、“批准”的意思。它也可以作为形容词,表示“允许前进的”、“有进取心的”的意思。在日常生活和工作中,我们经常会用到这个词来表达允许或批准的意思。通过使用同义词,可以丰富语言表达,避免重复使用相同的词汇。最后,要注意go-ahead的正确读音为[ˌɡoʊ əˈhɛd],在口语中也可以简化为[ɡoʊ əˈhɛd]。


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