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go through是什么意思

一:go through是什么意思的意思

go through是一个动词短语,可以有多种含义。最常见的意思是“经历;经受;通过”。此外,它还可以表示“检查;浏览;仔细研究”等含义。


go through [ɡəʊ θruː]

go through是什么意思


1. 表示经历或通过某事物:

We went through a lot of difficulties during our journey. (我们在旅途中经历了很多困难。)

The train goes through several small towns before reaching its final destination. (火车在到达最终目的地之前会经过几个小镇。)

2. 表示检查或浏览:

I need to go through these documents before the meeting tomorrow. (明天开会前我需要浏览这些文件。)

The teacher went through the students' homework carefully. (老师仔细检查了学生们的作业。)

3. 表示仔细研究或讨论:

We went through all the details of the project in the meeting. (我们在上讨论了项目的所有细节。)

The lawyer went through the contract with his client before signing it. (律师和客户在签署合同前一起仔细阅读了合同内容。)

4. 表示消耗或花费:

He has gone through all his savings in just one year. (他在短短一年内就花光了所有的储蓄。)

We went through a lot of money during our vacation. (我们在假期期间花费了很多钱。)

5. 表示通过考试或审核:

I went through a series of tests before I got the job. (我在得到这份工作之前经历了一系列的测试。)

The application needs to go through several levels of review before it can be approved. (这份申请需要经过几个层次的审核才能被批准。)


1. We went through a lot of difficulties during our journey.


2. I need to go through these documents before the meeting tomorrow.


3. We went through all the details of the project in the meeting.


4. He has gone through all his savings in just one year.


5. The application needs to go through several levels of review before it can be approved.



1. Experience:表示“经历;体验”。与go through类似,但更强调个人经历的感受。

例句:She experienced a lot of hardships before achieving success. (她在取得成功之前经历了很多艰辛。)

2. Check:表示“检查;核对”。与go through的用法相似,但更强调对细节的仔细检查。

例句:Please check the spelling before submitting your essay. (提交论文前请检查拼写。)

3. Review:表示“审查;复习”。与go through的用法相似,但更强调对整体内容的审视。

例句:The committee will review the proposal before making a decision. (将在做出决定前审查这份提案。)

4. Consume:表示“消耗;花费”。与go through的用法相似,但更强调资源或时间的消耗。

例句:The project consumed a lot of time and money. (这个项目花费了大量的时间和金钱。)

5. Pass:表示“通过;经过”。与go through有相同的含义,但更常用于形式上或正式性质的事物。

例句:She passed through the security check without any problems. (她顺利通过了安全检查。)


go through是一个常见的动词短语,可以表示多种含义,主要是指经历、通过、检查等。它可以和许多动词搭配使用,如experience、check、review等,表达不同的意思。在使用时,需要根据语境选择合适的含义。


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