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go against是什么意思,go against的解释

一:go against的意思是违背,违反,违抗,不顺从。

go against是什么意思,go against的解释

二:怎么读(音标):[ɡəʊ əˈɡenst]



1. His decision to quit his job went against the wishes of his family. 他辞职的决定违背了家人的意愿。

2. It's not easy to go against the rules, but sometimes it's necessary. 违反规则并不容易,但有时是必要的。

3. The company's actions went against their stated values and caused public outrage. 公司的行为违背了他们宣称的价值观,并引发了公众愤慨。

4. She always goes against the flow and does things her own way. 她总是逆流而行,按照自己的方式做事。

5. It's important to teach children to think for themselves and not just go with the crowd or go against authority without reason. 教育孩子独立思考,不要盲从或毫无理由地与权威对抗很重要。


1. Contradict: 表示与某种说法或观点相矛盾,常用于口语表达。:"I can't believe you're contradicting me again!"

2. Defy: 表示公然违抗某种权威或规则,常用于正式场合。:"The protesters defied the government's orders and continued their march."

3. Disobey: 表示不服从某种指令或命令,常用于描述孩子对父母的不听话。:"The children were punished for disobeying their teacher."

4. Resist: 表示抵抗、某种压力或影响。:"She couldn't resist the temptation and ate the whole cake."

5. Rebel: 表示反叛、造反,通常指对或权威的。:"The citizens rebelled against the corrupt regime."


go against是一个常用的动词短语,意为违背、违反、违抗。它可以用来描述各种情况下的违规行为,如违反规则、原则、价值观等。在使用时要注意语境,避免与其他近义词混淆。同时,教育孩子独立思考和理性行事也是避免go against的重要方法。


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