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glue什么意思? glue翻译(中文文):胶, 胶水, 胶合, hellip

glue [ɡluː]

n. 胶, 胶水, 胶合, hellip

vt. 粘, 粘贴

vi. 粘住


glue什么意思? glue翻译(中文文):胶, 胶水, 胶合, hellip

例句:1. I need some glue to fix this broken vase.(我需要一些胶水来修理这个破碎的花瓶。)

2. The glue on the envelope wasn't strong enough and it came open in the mail.(信封上的胶水不够牢固,在邮寄过程中打开了。)

3. She used a hot glue gun to attach the decorations to the gift box.(她用热熔胶将装饰物粘贴在礼盒上。)

4. The company is known for its strong adhesive glues used in construction projects.(这家公司以其在建筑项目中使用的强力粘合胶而闻名。)

5. The team was able to glue together all the pieces of the puzzle and solve it in record time.(团队成功地把所有拼图片段粘合在一起,并在最快时间内解决了它。)

同义词及用法:adhesive (n.) 粘合剂,黏性物质

stick (v.) 粘住,贴上

bond (n.) 粘合,结合

attach (v.) 附着,连接



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