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give out是什么意思,give out的翻译,give out音标、读音、

一:give out是什么意思,give out的翻译,give out音标、读音、的意思

give out是一个动词短语,意为“分发;散发;分配;耗尽;用完”。其主要含义为将某物分发给他人或散发出去,也可以指某物被消耗或用完。在口语中,还可以表示“宣布;公布;发表”。

give out是什么意思,give out的翻译,give out音标、读音、


give out的音标为 [ɡɪv aʊt],其中[gɪv]为重音,读作“吉夫”,[aʊt]读作“奥特”。


1. 分发、散发:我们需要把这些传单给顾客们分发出去。We need to give out these flyers to the customers.

2. 宣布、公布:老师宣布了明天的考试时间。The teacher gave out the time for tomorrow's exam.

3. 耗尽、用完:我所有的精力都已经耗尽了。I have given out all my energy.

4. 分配、分派:他负责给每个人分配任务。He is in charge of giving out tasks to everyone.


1. The teacher gave out the test results and everyone was relieved to see that they had passed.老师公布了考试成绩,每个人都松了一口气,因为他们都通过了。

2. The company gave out free samples of their new product at the trade show.公司在展会上免费发放了他们的新产品样品。

3. We need to give out these flyers to as many people as possible to promote our event.我们需要尽可能多地将这些传单发放给人们来宣传我们的活动。

4. The battery in my phone has given out, I need to find a charger.我的手机电池耗尽了,我需要找一个充电器。

5. The coach gave out the team assignments for the upcoming game.教练分配了即将到来的比赛的队员任务。


1. distribute:指将某物分发给多个人或地点,强调按照一定标准或顺序进行分配。:The charity organization distributed food and clothes to the homeless.

2. hand out:指亲自将某物分发给他人,常用于口语中。:The teacher handed out worksheets for us to complete.

3. run out of:指某物被消耗完毕,没有剩余。:I ran out of milk this morning, I need to buy more.

4. announce:指正式地宣布某事物,常用于正式场合。:The president announced his resignation during a press conference.


give out是一个常见的动词短语,在口语和书面语中都有使用。它可以表示分发、宣布、耗尽等含义,也可以作为其他动词的同义词。在使用时,需要根据语境选择合适的含义。在写作中,可以使用一些同义词来避免重复使用,提高文采。


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