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翻译:genuine(英)/ dʒenjuːɪn(美)






1. 用作形容词,表示“真实的,真正的”。

例句:She has a genuine smile on her face.(她脸上有着真诚的笑容。)

英文释义:She is genuinely happy and her smile reflects that.

2. 用作形容词,表示“非的”。

例句:The painting is a genuine Picasso.(这幅画是毕加索真迹。)

英文释义:The painting is an authentic work by Picasso, not a fake or imitation.

3. 用作形容词,表示“血统纯正的”。

例句:He comes from a family with genuine aristocratic roots.(他来自一个有着纯正贵族血统的家庭。)

英文释义:He comes from a family with authentic noble origins.

4. 用作名词,表示“原品,真品”。

例句:The store only sells genuine leather products.(这家店只卖真皮制品。)

英文释义:The store only sells authentic leather products, not fake or synthetic ones.

5. 用作副词,表示“真实地,真诚地”。

例句:She smiled at him genuinely.(她真诚地对他微笑。)

英文释义:She smiled at him with sincerity.


1. The company's mission is to provide genuine and high-quality products to its customers.


2. He was genuinely surprised by the news of his promotion.


3. The antique vase was confirmed to be a genuine Ming Dynasty artifact.


4. She spoke with a genuine French accent, having grown up in Paris.


5. He thanked her sincerely for her genuine concern and support.



1. authentic - 与genuine意思相近,指“真实的,可信的”。

例句:The signature on the document is authentic, proving its genuineness.


2. real - 指“真实的,实在的”,强调与虚假相对。

例句:He is a real gentleman, always honest and sincere.


3. bona fide - 指“真正的,诚意的”,强调真实性和诚意。

例句:They are bona fide members of the club, not just temporary visitors.


4. original - 指“原作的,原始的”,强调与复制品或改编品相对。

例句:This is an original painting by Van Gogh, not a reproduction.


5. unadulterated - 指“纯粹的,未掺杂的”,强调纯度和原始性。

例句:She has an unadulterated love for music, without any commercial motives.



genuine一词常用于描述事物或人具有真实、非、血统纯正等特点。它可以用作形容词或名词,在口语中也可用作副词。其同义词包括authentic、real、bona fide等,但它们各自有着不同的强调点。在使用时,需要根据具体语境选择合适的词汇。总的来说,genuine是一个非常常用且具有积极正面含义的词汇,可以用来形容真实、诚实、可信赖的事物或人。


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