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from time to time是什么意思,from time to time的

意思:from time to time是一个英语短语,意为“偶尔,有时候”,用来表示某个动作或情况发生的频率不是固定的,而是不时发生。

from time to time是什么意思,from time to time的

怎么读(音标):from time to time的读音为/frɒm taɪm tə taɪm/。

用法:from time to time通常用作副词短语,可以放在句首、句中或句尾。它可以修饰动词、形容词或整个句子,表示某个动作或情况发生的频率不是经常性的。


1. I go to the gym from time to time, but I'm not a regular there. (我偶尔去健身房,但并不经常。)

2. From time to time, she would pause and look around, as if searching for something. (她时不时会停下来四处张望,好像在寻找什么。)

3. The weather in this city changes from time to time, so always be prepared for unexpected rain or sunshine. (这个城市的天气变化无常,所以要随时准备迎接意外的雨水或阳光。)

4. We only see each other from time to time, but we always have a good catch-up chat when we do. (我们只是偶尔见面,但每次见面都会有愉快的聊天。)

5. From time to time, I like to treat myself to a nice dinner at a fancy restaurant. (偶尔,我喜欢在高档餐厅给自己来一顿美味的晚餐。)

同义词及用法:from time to time可以替换为occasionally、now and then、once in a while等表达“偶尔”的词语。

编辑总结:from time to time是一个常用的英语短语,用来表示某个动作或情况发生的频率不是固定的,而是不时发生。它可以修饰动词、形容词或整个句子,通常放在句首、句中或句尾。除了from time to time外,还可以使用occasionally、now and then、once in a while等近义词来表达相同的意思。


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