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1.opinion是指一个人对某种事物或问题的看法、评价或想法。:My opinion is that we should go to the beach this weekend.(我的意见是我们这周末应该去海滩。)

2.opinion的用法是作为可数名词,表示“观点”、“意见”等;也可作为不可数名词,表示“看法”、“评价”等。:In my opinion, he is the best candidate for the job.(在我看来,他是这份工作最合适的人选。)



(1)have an opinion:有观点、有意见。:Everyone has the right to have their own opinion.(每个人都有权利拥有自己的观点。)

(2)form an opinion:形成观点、意见。:I need more time to form an opinion on this matter.(我需要更多时间来形成对这件事情的看法。)

(3)express/share one's opinion:表达/分享某人的意见。:She always expresses her opinions confidently.(她总是自信地表达自己的意见。)

(4)change one's opinion:改变某人的看法、意见。:After hearing his explanation, I changed my opinion about him.(听完他的解释后,我改变了对他的看法。)

(5)public/private opinion:公众/私人观点。:His private opinion is different from his public statements.(他的私人观点与他公开发表的言论不同。)


1. different opinions:不同的看法。:We have different opinions on this issue.


2. strong opinion:强烈的意见。:He has a strong opinion about the new policy.


3. popular opinion:普遍观点。:The popular opinion is that the company needs to improve its customer service.


4. expert opinion:专家意见。:We should consider expert opinions before making a decision.


5. personal opinion:个人观点。:This is just my personal opinion, you can make your own decision.




Opinion refers to one's view, evaluation or thought on something or an issue.


Opinion is used as a countable noun to mean "view" or "opinion", and can also be used as an uncountable noun to mean "perspective" or "evaluation".


The pronunciation of opinion is /əˈpɪnjən/.


(1)have an opinion:有观点、有意见。

have an opinion: to have a view or opinion on something.

(2)form an opinion:形成观点、意见。

form an opinion: to develop a view or opinion on something.

(3)express/share one's opinion:表达/分享某人的意见。

express/share one's opinion: to communicate one's thoughts or views on something.

(4)change one's opinion:改变某人的看法、意见。

change one's opinion: to alter one's perspective or evaluation of something.

(5)public/private opinion:公众/私人观点。

public/private opinion: the general/public perspective versus the personal/private perspective.

对于Opinion这个词,我有一些自己的感受。它可以一个人对事物或问题的看法,也可以表示观点、意见和看法。它的发音是/əˈpɪnjən/,听起来很简单。我们常说have an opinion、form an opinion、express/share one's opinion、change one's opinion和public/private opin,每个用法都能让我感受到不同的情绪。有时候,我们需要表达自己的观点,有时候会改变自己的看法,而公众和私人意见也会有所不同。总之,Opinion这个词让我想到了自由、多样性和独立思考的重要性。


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