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focused什么意思? focused翻译(中文文):聚焦的 hellip




例句1:She was completely focused on her studies and didn't even notice when I entered the room.(她完全专注于学习,甚至没注意到我进了房间。)

focused什么意思? focused翻译(中文文):聚焦的 hellip

例句2:The team needs to stay focused on their goal if they want to win the championship.(如果球队想要赢得冠,他们就需要保持对目标的专注。)

例句3:The photographer used a narrow depth of field to make sure the subject was in focus.(摄影师使用了小景深来确保主题处于焦点。)

例句4:He has always been a focused and determined individual, which is why he has achieved so much success in his career.(他一直是一个专注、坚定的人,这也是他在事业上取得如此巨大成功的原因。)

例句5:I find it hard to stay focused when there are so many distractions around me.(当周围有太多干扰时,我很难保持专注。)


- She was completely concentrated on her work and didn't even notice when I called her.(她完全专注于工作,甚至没注意到我打给她。)

- The students were all attentive during the lecture.(学生们在讲座期间都很专心。)

- He was so engrossed in the book that he didn't hear me come in.(他对那本书如此入迷,以至于没有听见我进来。)

- The children were all immersed in their game and didn't want to s playing.(孩子们都沉浸在游戏中,不想停下来。)

- She was intent on finding a solution to the problem.(她一心想找到解决问题的办法。)



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