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flourish什么意思? flourish翻译(中文文):繁荣, 茂盛,


flourish什么意思? flourish翻译(中文文):繁荣, 茂盛,

二:flourish的音标为 /ˈflʌrɪʃ/。

三:用法上,flourish通常用作不及物动词,后接介词with或者介词in,表示某物或某人在某个领域繁荣或茂盛。:“The city flourishes with art and culture.”(这座城市在艺术和文化方面繁荣发展。)除此之外,flourish也可以用作及物动词,后接宾语,表示挥舞、摇曳等动作。:“She flourished her sword in the air.”(她在空中挥舞着她的剑。)


1. The flowers are flourishing in the garden.(花园里的花朵正在茂盛生长。)

2. His business has been flourishing since he opened the new store.(自从他开了新店铺以来,他的生意一直很兴旺。)

3. The dancers flourished their colorful ribbons during the parade.(舞者们在时挥舞着五彩缤纷的丝带。)

4. The economy of the country has been flourishing in recent years.(这个的经济近年来一直很繁荣。)

5. The artist's career flourished after he won the prestigious award.(这位艺术家在获得了这个重要奖项后,事业开始蒸蒸日上。)

五:flourish的同义词包括prosper、thrive、boom等,它们都表示某物或某人繁荣、兴旺发展。但是,flourish强调的是生机勃勃、茂盛的状态,而prosper则更多指经济方面的成功,thrive则侧重于健康和成长。:“The company is prospering thanks to its new marketing strategy.”(这个公司由于新的营销策略而繁荣起来。)“The plants thrive in this warm and humid climate.”(在这种温暖潮湿的气候下,植物生长得很好。)



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