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用法:flop作为名词时,常用于描述物体突然重重地落下或倒下的声音和动作。:“The book fell to the ground with a flop.”(那本书跌落在地上发出一声砰然响);“The fish flopped around on the deck of the boat.”(鱼在船板上拼命挣扎)。

作为动词时,flop常用于描述人或物体突然倒下或跌落。:“The child flopped onto the bed after a long day of playing.”(孩子玩了一整天后瘫倒在床上);“The bird flopped to the ground after being hit by a stone.”(鸟被石头击中后摔倒在地)。

作为形容词时,flop通常用来形容某物松软、无力或不成功。:“The cake turned out to be a flop.”(蛋糕做得失败了);“Her hair was in a flop after being caught in the rain.”(她的头发被雨淋后变得松软无力)。


1. The balloon slowly deflated and flopped to the ground.(气球慢慢地放气,最后砰然落地。)

2. The movie was a complete flop at the box office.(这部电影在票房上完全失败了。)

3. The exhausted runner flopped onto the grass after finishing the marathon.(跑完马拉松后,筋疲力尽的跑步者倒在草地上。)

4. The company's new product was a flop due to poor marketing strategies.(由于营销策略不佳,公司的新产品一败涂地。)

5. The comedian's jokes fell flat and his performance was a flop.(喜剧演员的笑话都不好笑,他的表演也是一团糟。)

同义词及用法:flop的同义词包括drop、collapse、fail等。:“The tree branch suddenly dropped from the weight of the snow.”(树枝因雪的重量突然折断了);“The building collapsed after the earthquake.”(大楼在地震后倒塌了);“I failed my math test because I didn't study enough.”(我数学考试没通过,因为我没有学习足够的时间)。



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