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flee是什么意思? flee翻译(中文文):逃避, 逃跑, 逃走 hellip



flee是什么意思? flee翻译(中文文):逃避, 逃跑, 逃走 hellip


1. The villagers fled their homes when the volcano erupted.(当火山爆发时,村民们逃离了家园。)

2. The thief fled the scene of the crime before the police arrived.(小偷在到达之前逃离了犯罪现场。)

3. The soldiers were ordered to flee from the battlefield.(士们被命令从战场逃离。)

4. She decided to flee from her abusive husband and start a new life.(她决定逃离虐待她的丈夫,开始新的生活。)

5. The animals in the zoo fled when a tornado hit the city.(当龙卷风袭击城市时,动物园里的动物们都逃跑了。)


1. Escape: 动词,表示成功地逃脱某种危险或不愉快的情况。

例句:The prisoner managed to escape from his cell and flee to another country.


2. Run away: 动词短语,和flee意思相同。

例句:The children ran away from home because they didn't want to go to school.


3. Abscond: 动词,指秘密逃跑或潜逃。

例句:The suspect absconded from the police and was on the run for months.


4. Fleece: 动词,表示骗取财物或钱财。

例句:The con artist successfully fleeced innocent people out of their life savings.



flee是一个常用的动词,用来表示急速离开某地以避免危险或不愉快的情况。它可以和escape、run away等词替换使用,但abscond和fleece则有更具体的含义。在写作中,我们可以根据具体语境选择合适的同义词来丰富语言表达。


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