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1. 作为动词,fight的基本用法为“fight against/with sb./sth.”表示与某人/某物作战或争斗。:

- The soldiers fought bravely against the enemy.


- The two boys were fighting with each other over a toy.


2. fight还可用作不及物动词,表示“战斗,打架”。:

- The two dogs were fighting fiercely in the street.


- The children were fighting over the last piece of cake.


3. 除了表示实际的肉体外,fight还可以指进行某种抵抗或竞争。:

- We must fight for our rights and interests.


- The two companies are fighting for the same market share.


4. fight也可以表示“与…搏斗,与…抗争”。:

- He has been fighting cancer for years.


- The villagers are fighting against the government's decision to build a factory near their homes.


5. 另外,fight还可用作名词,表示“战斗,打架”。:

- The fight between the two gangs lasted for hours.


- He got into a fight with his neighbor over a parking spot.



1. The two brothers always fight over the TV remote.


2. The protesters were fighting against police brutality.


3. She fought back tears as she watched her son leave for college.


4. The soldiers fought bravely against the invading army.


5. The two politicians fought fiercely in the debate over healthcare reform.



1. battle:作为动词,表示“战斗,作战”。:The soldiers battled against the enemy for hours.(士们与敌人作战了数小时。)作为名词,也可表示“战斗,争斗”。:The battle for equal rights is far from over.(争取平等权利的斗争远未结束。)

2. combat:作为动词,表示“打击,消除”,常用于抽象意义上的斗争。:We must combat poverty and inequality in our society.(我们必须消除社会上的贫困和不平等。)作为名词,也可表示“战斗,格斗”。:The soldiers were trained in hand-to-hand combat.(士们接受过肉搏格斗训练。)

3. struggle:作为动词,表示“奋斗,努力”,常用于抽象意义上的困难或挑战。:She struggled to make ends meet after losing her job.(失业后她努力维持生计。)作为名词,也可表示“奋斗,搏斗”。:The struggle for independence lasted for years.(独立的斗争持续了多年。)




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