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1. outback是指澳大利亚的内陆地区,通常是指远离城市和海岸的地区,也可以指澳大利亚的荒野、沙漠和丛林地带。

2. outback的读音为 [ˈaʊtbæk],发音时注意将“out”读得轻一些,重点放在“back”的音节上。

3. 用例:

(1) I've always wanted to take a trip to the outback and experience the rugged beauty of Australia's interior.


(2) The outback is known for its vast open spaces and unique wildlife, such as kangaroos and koalas.


(3) Many people underestimate the harsh conditions of the outback, which can be dangerous for those who are unprepared.


(4) The indigenous people of Australia have a deep connection to the land and have lived in the outback for thousands of years.


(5) The outback is also home to some of the world's oldest and most spectacular rock formations, such as Uluru and Kata Tjuta.


4. 组词:

outback adventure (outback探险)

outback tour (outback之旅)

outback culture (outback文化)

outback cuisine (outback美食)

remote outback (偏远的outback)

5. outback的中英文对照:


英文:interior, wilderness

6. 总结:



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