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far and away什么意思? far and away翻译(中文文):大大,

一:far and away的意思是“远远地,遥遥地”,用来表示某事物在数量或程度上远超过其他事物,也可以用来强调某事物的优势或重要性。

二:far and away的读音为[fɑr ənd əˈweɪ],其中的a在发音时要轻读,重音在第一个单词far上。

far and away什么意思? far and away翻译(中文文):大大,

三:far and away可以作为一个副词短语使用,放在句子中间或结尾。它可以修饰动词、形容词或副词,表示某事物在程度上远超过其他同类事物。:

- He is far and away the best player on the team.(他无疑是球队中最出色的球员。)

- This is far and away the most expensive restaurant in town.(这无疑是镇上最昂贵的餐厅。)

- She is far and away the most talented singer I have ever met.(她无疑是我见过最有天赋的歌手。)


1. My new car is far and away better than my old one.(我的新车比旧车好得多。)

2. The view from the of the mountain was far and away the most breathtaking sight I have ever seen.(从山顶俯瞰的景色无疑是我见过最令人惊叹的景象。)

3. This book is far and away the most popular one among teenagers.(这本书无疑是青少年中最受欢迎的一本。)

4. The movie was far and away the highest-grossing film of the year.(这部电影无疑是当年票房最高的电影。)

5. She is far and away the most beautiful girl in our school.(她无疑是我们学校最美丽的女孩。)

五:far and away可以用来表示“遥不可及,远远超过”。它的同义词包括by far、easily、without doubt等。:

- This is by far the best pizza I have ever tasted.(这无疑是我吃过的最好吃的披萨。)

- He is easily the smartest person in our class.(他无疑是我们班上最聪明的人。)

- Without doubt, she is the most hardworking employee in our company.(毫无疑问,她是我们公司最勤奋的员工。)

六:总结:far and away是一个强调程度或数量的副词短语,可以用来修饰动词、形容词或副词,表示某事物在程度上远超过其他同类事物。它可以与同义词by far、easily、without doubt等互换使用,但far and away更加地道和自然。

总之,far and away是一个常用的表达方式,可以帮助我们更加生动地描述某事物的优势或重要性。它的用法简单明了,但在英语写作中使用得当,可以使文章更加生动有力。


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