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familiarize是什么意思? familiarize翻译(中文文):熟悉



例句1:She needs some time to familiarize herself with the new job. (她需要一些时间来熟悉这份新工作。)

familiarize是什么意思? familiarize翻译(中文文):熟悉

例句2:It takes time to familiarize yourself with a new language. (熟悉一门新语言需要时间。)

例句3:The tour guide will familiarize you with the history of this city. (导游会让你熟悉这座城市的历史。)

例句4:I need to familiarize myself with the rules before I can start playing the game. (在开始玩游戏之前,我需要先熟悉规则。)

例句5:The company provides training sessions to help new employees familiarize themselves with the company culture. (公司提供培训课程来帮助新员工熟悉公司文化。)


1. Acquaint: 及物动词,意为“使认识,使了解”,常与介词with连用,表示“使认识某人/某事物”。

例句:I need to acquaint myself with the local customs before traveling to this country. (在去这个旅行之前,我需要了解当地的风俗习惯。)

2. Orient: 及物动词,意为“使适应,使熟悉”,常与介词to连用,表示“使熟悉某事物”。

例句:The company provides an orientation program for new employees to familiarize them with the company's policies. (公司为新员工提供入职培训计划,让他们熟悉公司的。)

3. Introduce: 及物动词,意为“介绍,引进”,常与介词to连用,表示“把某人/某事物介绍给某人”。

例句:Let me introduce you to our new colleague. (让我来把我们的新同事介绍给你。)

4. Inform: 及物动词,意为“通知,告知”,常与介词of连用,表示“向某人通知某事”。

例句:I need to inform my boss of the changes in the project deadline. (我需要向老板通知项目截止日期的变更。)

5. Educate: 及物动词,意为“教育,培养”,常与介词about连用,表示“向某人教育/培养关于某事”的知识或技能。

例句:Parents play an important role in educating their children about the importance of honesty. (父母在教育孩子关于诚实的重要性方面扮演着重要的角色。)




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